8 Traits Of A Successful HR Professional

What distinguishes good HR professionals from exceptional ones? The very best in the industry tend to embody a set of shared characteristics that elevate their contributions. Evaluating your team against these traits can provide valuable insights into how to cultivate greatness within your organization.
Assessing HR talent goes beyond standard performance metrics and assessments; it requires a nuanced understanding of both visible and latent qualities. Some standout traits are readily apparent, while others may take time to surface and might even surprise you. When we at Premier evaluate candidates to join our team, we prioritize identifying these key attributes.
In the competitive world of staffing and recruiting—marked by vast candidate pools, lengthy lead times, and complex client needs—the top HR professionals consistently demonstrate a combination of technical acumen and interpersonal excellence. Here’s a closer look at the traits that define industry leaders in human resources.
They Are Comfortable Talking With Clients & Candidates
This quality often starts back in the home in which they were raised, with their ambition, openness, and empathy. If they’re not used to making cold calls or are unprepared to follow up while keeping a friendly tone, this may show early on as a fundamental discomfort when asked to approach senior executives or candidates with whom they’ve never spoken.
They Can Mediate & Resolve Conversational Conflict
The best HR professionals are able to diffuse tension in the midst of a conflict. This often comes from a strong confidence in their understanding of available information at hand, and the ability to evaluate and identify problems without administering blame to any party. A good mediator is smart enough to confront anyone outright and challenge inaccurate statements with irrefutable evidence.
They Can Be Trusted To Work Without Micromanagement
Trust is demonstrated as much when you’re in the office as when you’re home or on vacation. Top HR professionals have to maintain rigorous autonomy and desire for learning. This is in part because they often manage such complicated relationships in highly regulated industries. From a managerial perspective, you should seek professionals that come to your office for one of two reasons: for clarification, or to share good news. Otherwise, let them do their job. If you hire the right person, they’ll operate better without constant micromanagement. A heavier focus on the work at hand will encourage a respectful environment, which naturally stems from discretion and privacy, which is often necessary in HR positions.
They Are Prepared To Act Better Than You In Ethical Dilemmas
This seems so common sense, yet anyone with a decade or more of industry experience has stories of clients and/or candidates that have put them in precarious circumstances. Often, these cutthroat conversations and the pressure to succeed can trump ethical behavior. To ensure you are always putting your best foot forward when finding new talent, ask yourself ‘Would I trust them to make better decisions than me?”
They Can Make Short & Long Term Decisions
Every decision can be made quickly, though a distinguishing characteristic of top HR professionals is the speed at which they perform their actions. Maintaining records, hiring/firing, conflict resolution, education and mentoring are just a few of the many duties HR professionals are required to do on a daily basis. Chances are you’re not going to have enough time every day to complete every task. Instead of determining shortcuts, the right hire will take enough time to assess long-term impacts, even if it means sacrificing speed for accuracy.
They Are Well-Spoken & Soft-Spoken, In That Order
You can tell a lot about an HR professional by the questions they ask. Higher-performing professionals in staffing and recruiting are bound by time, therefore they are constantly battling between an answer that is great versus one that is good enough. Look for candidates that ask questions that demonstrate that they can be trusted. Likewise, avoid anyone who asks banal questions.
They Don’t Lean Too Far In Any Direction
Moderation on all fronts is critical, even vital to success in the workplace. As a manager, you see this cultivated in many forms - too much time on social media, too little follow-up, or venturing to partiality with those they like rather than those who can contribute the most to the longevity of the organization. At face value, this is a simple norm to follow.
They Build Great Culture Compared To Following It
We’re highlighting this at the end because it may take years for you to recognize great talent on your team, and one day to lose them to a competitor. If you take care of your employees, they will inevitably become evangelists for your brand. Talented HR professionals will involve themselves and encourage others to perform well, without forgetting to enjoy the small successes.
For more HR insights, check out our HR & Hiring 101 blog.
Hire Today With Premier
Exceptional HR professionals possess a unique blend of skills, character, and adaptability that enable them to thrive in dynamic environments. While no single individual may excel equally across every area, the ability to consistently demonstrate strength in these key traits is what sets top performers apart. By prioritizing these qualities in your hiring and team development strategies, you can build an HR department that not only supports but elevates your organization. At Premier Talent Partners, we specialize in connecting businesses with HR talent who embody these characteristics, ensuring your team is positioned for success.
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