Social Media Etiquette For Businesses

Oversharing. Spamming. Looking clueless. Has your business been guilty of these social media blunders? You’re not alone—appropriate social media etiquette can be a challenge for any business.
Consider these do’s and don’ts to create a thriving online community of interested job seekers.
Engage More Than You Promote
The golden rule for social media marketing used to be that 80 percent of your content should inform, interest, educate, entertain, or inspire your audience. In comparison, only 20 percent should directly promote your product or service. However, times have changed. It takes experimentation to find your business's magic social media etiquette percentage. But although the letter of the law may have changed, the spirit remains. Your followers want to learn more about your business but don’t want to feel spammed whenever they see your brand. Seek to engage your followers with content they find interesting or useful, and you will build more valuable connections with job seekers.
Do Your Homework
Making the wrong move can damage your brand. Before venturing too far into the waters, research platform-specific social media etiquette and best practices. You want job seekers to follow you, not avoid you! Read the room. Yes, scheduling posts can be a time-saver. However, staying relevant is a must—especially in these tumultuous times. You don’t want to make the mistake of posting light content during a national tragedy. Consistently check posted content to monitor performance.
Be Authentic
Your social media presence reflects your brand and company culture. On top of posting regularly, you should listen to your followers and engage with comments. You’ll build a connection with job seekers who want to stay informed about your organization. Don’t try too hard; your followers can sense desperation, and it’s not engaging. Instead, seek ways to show value and interact with your audience.
Consider posts like these:
- Pictures of your offices
- Short videos that show or tell what it’s like to work for your company
- Employee spotlights
- Industry news, insights, or advice
- Current job openings
Be Positive
These are challenging times for everyone. Using your platform to spread positive messages may attract job seekers who want to work for an uplifting company. Keep in mind that it isn’t always sunshine and rainbows online. Occasionally you may have an unhappy follower leave a comment on your social media account. If that happens, respond with positivity and kindness. Let them know you value their feedback and are committed to resolving their issue—then take the discussion offline as quickly as possible. Your positive response will hopefully satisfy your unhappy followers and show your online community that you provide excellent customer service.
Want to see how it’s done? We’d love to connect with you! Follow us on LinkedIn for more tips on drawing in candidates through your social media presence.
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