How To Ace AI-Based Assessments & Skills Tests

A person in a teal shirt typing on a laptop with a transparent digital overlay displaying a multiple-choice questionnaire or assessment, symbolizing AI-based testing or online evaluations.

AI-based assessments have been on the rise for their objectivity and ease of use. These groundbreaking tools enable hiring teams to quickly and effectively assess a larger pool of candidates with deeper insights. For candidates, however, this transition can come with a bit of worry. The rules of the interview process are changing, as the person interviewing you may no longer be a person. But rest assured—there are plenty of ways to succeed in this new hiring landscape.

Understanding AI-Based Assessments

An AI-based assessment is a test administered as part of the interview process that is evaluated by AI. These tests can cover various topics, from skills related to the job to assessments of problem-solving capabilities. Regardless of the topic, AI takes the results of the test and analyzes them in an effort to help the hiring team predict job performance. This can include AI offering areas for improvement and identifying opportunities for training. AI might also prescribe a personality type to the candidate, noting the way they solve problems and resolve conflicts. 

Types of AI-Based Assessments

There are four main types of AI-based assessments: cognitive ability tests, personality or behavior-based tests, technical skills tests, and video and speech analysis. Understanding these assessments can help candidates better prepare for the hiring process.

The first type, cognitive ability tests, are similar to IQ tests. They check for your reasoning ability and your problem-solving skills and can feel a bit like solving puzzles. Employers use these tests to gauge a candidate’s ability to think critically, adapt to new information, and process complex scenarios.

The second type of AI-based assessment is a personality or behavior-based test. These tests are primarily used to identify your interpersonal skills and style. Personality and behavioral assessments help hiring teams understand how a candidate’s natural tendencies align with team dynamics and company culture.

Technical skills tests are likely the most familiar. These are the tests that are given to determine job readiness and are common across several industries. These might look like coding assessments, writing tests, or even systems tests to make sure that candidates are familiar with discipline-specific software. The AI assessment for these types of tests is a little more binary, though AI-administered technical assessments have the advantage of being more reactive based on user response. 

The final form of AI-based assessment is video and speech analysis. This assessment is typically used when candidates submit a video as part of their interview process. AI analyzes the submission for tone, facial expression, and various other factors that help determine how people interact and communicate.

How AI Evaluates Candidates

The thought of AI evaluating candidates can be scary at first. You’re being judged by a machine, not a person, and for most of us it’s hard to understand that machine. Nevertheless, there are a couple of traits and responses that AI wants to see. As long as you keep those desired outcomes in mind, you have nothing to worry about when taking an AI-based assessment.

Key Factors AI Looks For

Accuracy and speed are key metrics that AI tracks when evaluating the your responses, particularly for cognitive and technical tests. In AI-based assessments, speed and accuracy demonstrate your expertise, so focusing on these qualities will work to your advantage.

Your communication style and tendencies is another area that AI will focus on, specifically when taking a behavioral or video assessment. AI wants to see how you communicate, examining both how strong of a communicator you are and what tools and methods you use. Unlike technical or cognitive tests, these tests don't necessarily have a "right answer", so staying true to yourself is a sure bet.

Regardless of what type of assessment you’re taking, AI is looking to discern your thought process. It wants to understand the way you approach solving problems; what information you look for, what solutions you try, and what order you try them in. The general goal is to figure out what you do when there’s an obstacle in front of you. As long as you remain consistent in your approach and reach a sound conclusion, you should feel confident when tasked with an AI-based assessment.

AI Bias & Transparency

A realistic downside of AI-based assessments is the bias that comes with them. Everyone solves problems differently, and everyone communicates differently. AI doesn’t see these differences: it searches for what it believes is the right answer and then evaluates everything from that premise. Because of this, biases come into play more often than not. If AI decides one style of communication works better than others, it will start to score that method higher and vice versa. If that method, say a direct approach, is common among a certain group of people, then people who communicate indirectly will be scored lower by the AI, thus creating bias.

Clarity is the best way to combat any potential biases you may run into during an AI-based assessment. If your answers are clear, your behavior is clear, your problem-solving ability is clear, then you’ll be able to prove through the assessment that you’ll be successful. Conversely, if you’re unable to prove a clear method for communicating or solving problems, AI won’t be able to dig deeper to find out what you’re trying to say. Therefore, you should think about clearly explaining and even over-communicating when taking an AI-based assessment.

Strategies to Ace AI-Based Tests

AI-based assessments can appear challenging at first, but there are a variety of strategies you can employ to ace these tests while presenting yourself in the best light. For each test, the strategy you employ will differ slightly, but there are consistent themes that pop up when observing those who perform well in these tests.

Mastering Cognitive & Technical Assessments

Cognitive tests require a certain way of thinking that can feel unnatural at first. Oftentimes, you’re solving puzzles and problems with less-than-obvious solutions. Practicing these tests can be done through solving puzzles and answering riddles. These types of exercises do a great job of making you use the type of thought processes that you’ll need for cognitive assessments.

A sure bet for preparation when it comes to technical assessments is to spend time with the tools you expect to be tested on. Oftentimes, these tools have tutorials or help guides for new users. Re-reading these can help refresh your knowledge of the functionality of the software and occasionally remind you of features you may have forgotten about. There are also typically courses online for some of the more popular tools. LinkedIn Learning has several courses on the Microsoft Office suite, for example.

Excelling in Personality & Behavioral Assessments

The key to finding success in personality and behavioral assessments is finding a balance between presenting yourself and presenting role expectations. You want to be sure that you take into account the expectations of your role, whether that's the way you speak or the knowledge you share. Conversely, you want to make sure that you’re true to yourself. Trying to be a different person to pass the test won’t work out for you. Instead, present yourself with the role in mind and remain consistent in what you say and do. 

Navigating AI-Powered Video Interviews

The best way to excel in a video interview is to project confidence. Speak confidently and clearly and hold your posture in a way that shows you know what you’re doing. Place extra emphasis on avoiding filler words such as “like” and “um.” Instead, replace them with silence and practice speaking with pauses. Doing so will help you appear eloquent and well-informed. Regardless of how confident you feel, giving the appearance of confidence can make all the difference during your interview.

Partner With Premier

At Premier, we understand that the application process can feel exhaustive and worrisome. Our team of recruiters has decades of experience helping place candidates into their dream positions. With this experience comes a deep and intricate understanding of industry trends, including recent shifts like the implementation of AI. We understand how to present candidates at their best, regardless of whether it’s a person or AI doing the evaluation. Help us help you find your next career move today!

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