5 Tips For Beginning A Remote IT Position

Information technology

Tech jobs ranked high in the 2021 U.S. News & World Report’s list of best jobs for remote workers, including data scientist, IT manager, and information security analyst ranking in the top 15. But keep in mind, working from home—or any non-office location—can have its challenges.

Here are 5 tips to get your new role in IT off to a successful start:

Secure The Right Tech

If you know that certain hardware or software helps you work more efficiently, don't be afraid to ask for it. For example, many employees prefer to work with two monitors, one for communication and the other for active tasks. Remember, you don’t get anything you don’t ask for. Have a grasp on what you need to perform, but be prepared to make compromises as far as price-point is concerned.

Set Yourself Up For Success

Make sure that you’re tuned into what your body needs to support the work you do. Ergonomics is crucial to health, especially in a job that involves sitting all day. Find out what breaks are allowed and be sure to take them. Look away from your screen often enough to prevent eye strain, consider investing in blue-blocking technology, and get up and move around every hour.

Prepare For Productivity

Time management can often be a challenge for remote workers, even those who are used to spending a lot of time in front of a screen. Time and experience will tell you what tools or productivity hacks you need to stay on task. Popular tools for organization and time management include daily planners, dry-erase boards, and focus timers/distraction-blocking apps.

Learn To Over Communicate

Information gaps are bound to happen, especially when you are just settling in. After all, your bosses and co-workers can’t see you, so it’s especially important that they hear from you on a consistent basis. Communicate the current projects or tasks on your desk, ask for help if you need it, and close the loop with the appropriate person when the job is complete. When working remotely, never assume someone else knows what you are doing. Checking in often and staying connected to your team is always the best bet.

Set Work-Life Boundaries

Studies show that 4 out of 5 remote workers struggle to fully shut down the job at the end of the day. In this day and age, the line between work and life is blurred, and you can easily find yourself slipping into an endless loop of work. Some remote workers solve this challenge by creating an end-of-day routine that signals they are done for the day. These routines can include actions such as taking five minutes for a quick stretch, closing out apps and windows, or listening to music. Creating a way to transition from work to home is crucial to work-life balance.

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