How to Ace a Sales/Marketing Job Interview

Thriving in the high-pressure, fast-moving fields of sales and marketing requires dedication, persistence, and resilience. A job interview is your first opportunity to sell an employer on YOU. But how? Land your next sales or marketing position with these four helpful suggestions:

1. Display Enthusiasm.

If you’re a salesperson, treat a job interview like a sales call. Because it is. You’re selling yourself. Match your energy level to the level of your interviewer or a little bit higher. Communicate your passion and enthusiasm for your work using your tone of voice and positive facial expressions. Marketers, a job interview is your chance to sell your own brand. Marketing appeals to emotion. Strive to connect with your audience and show them that you would be an asset to the team. Dress professionally but show who you are. Do your social media accounts reflect your personal and professional values? Strive to create a unified online brand.

2. Do Your Research.

You’d never meet a prospect without learning everything you can, and you shouldn’t go into a job interview without thoroughly researching the employer, either.  Salespeople, what products does the company offer? How would you sell them to clients and customers? Marketers, what’s their target audience, and how would you reach them? Consider preparing a sales pitch based on their business or a marketing campaign using your favorite digital platforms.

3. Show Self-Motivation.

Sales and marketing are unique fields. You gotta want it - authentically. Make sure you can clearly express why you love working in sales or marketing because you will certainly be asked what motivates you. What’s going to get you through the days when you hear "no" in every meeting or a marketing campaign totally flops?

And how do you respond to adversity?  

Expect to be asked about a time you failed to convert. Have an example ready, and make it one that shows resilience, determination, and skill for turning "no" to one product into "yes" for another.  Marketing professionals should be ready to talk about campaigns that missed the mark and what they did to get on target.

4. Quantify Your Experience.

Your experience with other companies is a great way to talk about the value you can offer in your new role. Top-performing employees move the company forward. Be ready with specific examples of your abilities.  Sales is about numbers. Know yours. Being able to quantify your contribution to the company’s bottom line will go a long way toward securing a job offer.  Marketing has a slightly different number language, but it’s no less important. Clicks, impressions, and searches are impressive stats as well!

Are you looking for a career in which upward mobility is almost guaranteed?  

Marketing and sales are two sides of the same coin. One attracts business, and the other closes the deal. Premier Talent Partners places candidates in a wide range of sales and marketing roles with competitive pay, great benefits, and awesome culture. Ready to join the Premier team? Apply now!

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